The Wiki of a Teenage Robot

Ear No Evil is the first half of the fourth episode of season 1.

The episode was produced in 2002 and premiered worldwide on November 15, 2002 in Australia and on Nickelodeon in the United States on August 22, 2003.


Jenny wants to get her ears pierced -- but she lacks ears entirely. Sheldon kindly offers to build her some ears, but someone should have told him that "size does matter". Now, as a result, Jenny's got a new pair of ears that could put Dumbo to shame.


Jenny Wants Ears[]

Ear No Evil (2002) begins at Tremorton High. Pteresa runs into class with her friends, as the Crust Cousins are sitting in the corner of the classroom. She tells them how she finally went and got her ears pierced, and shows off her earrings. The Crust Cousins do not seem impressed in the least, and Tiff then shows off her third piercing. Jenny then approaches and comments on the jewelry, but is taunted by the Crust Cousins for her lack of ears.

After being taunted for not having ears, Jenny goes home to ask Dr. Wakeman to make her some ears, but her mother refuses, stating that Jenny, being a highly advanced robot, does not need ears for hearing. She especially is against giving her artificial ears after learning that Jenny just wants them so she can get them pierced. Jenny storms out while angrily claiming she will just make her own ears. But knowing she can't, Jenny turns to Sheldon, who eagerly agrees in order to please Jenny.

An Earful of Trouble[]

The following day, Jenny heads to her class with everybody staring in shock at her new pierced ears. She doesn't seem to notice that her peers are mocking her, giggling behind her back, and wonders if perhaps everybody is beginning to feel sick. Meanwhile, an armored villain called "The Lancer" attacks the city, robing everyone of their precious items, such as jewelry, money, and clothing. While Jenny is in the cafeteria, Wakeman calls for her to stop the crisis, and she leaves. Tiff and Britt proceed to laugh at Jenny. Sheldon tries to defend her, saying that she was perfect the way she was, and storms off in annoyance.

Back in town, Jenny shows up and quickly begins to realize she is having some trouble flying due to her big ears making her less aerodynamic. This also makes it easy for the Lancer to attack her. As she is pinned to the wall by one of his lances through her hooped earring, the Lancer's openly taunts her for her ridiculously large ears, and everyone in town laughs at her. At this moment, Jenny realizes that everyone at school was making fun of her. Lancer proceeds to charge up a destructive laser, but as soon as he shoots it at Jenny, she manages to pull away when the screws on her ear come loose.

Sounds Like Victory[]

Finally accepting the fact that her new ears are causing nothing but trouble for her, Jenny yanks off her other ear with ease and throws it at The Lancer's weapon, disabling him from attacking. Jenny then easily defeats him, causing his armor to explode, and release all of the jewelry and money he stole from the citizens. All of the townspeople cheer happily and laugh as the Lancer is revealed to be a small, big-eared elf in a jester costume.

After the Lancer runs away in humiliation, Jenny goes to Sheldon once more. She thanks him, and he admits that he liked Jenny the way she was — as well as liking her freakishly large ears, telling her that he never meant to embarrass her. Back at her home, Brad goes over how to approach Jenny with both Tuck and Wakemen when suddenly Jenny comes in. Tuck makes a joke, but Brad shuts him up while they notice Jenny is missing her ears now. Jenny mentions that Sheldon really wanted to make it up to her, and as a result, he's given her a new nose — and nose-ring. The episode ends as everybody laughs, including Jenny.


  • Like most episodes of the series, this episode premiered in a handful of countries before the United States.
    • This episode premiered in Australia on November 15, 2002.
    • This episode premiered in the United Kingdom on November 24, 2002.
    • This episode premiered in Mexico on March 7, 2003.
  • The Lancer robbed from the following places:
  1. A bank (vacuumed all the money)
  2. A jewelry store (vacuumed the jewels)
  3. A tax collector (vacuumed his money just like he did with the bank)
  4. A café
  5. A lady walking a dog
  6. A bearded biker (motorcycle)
  7. A circus lion and accordion player
  8. A guitarist
  9. A baby.
  • The title is a play on "Hear No Evil".
  • The Lancer makes a return in the episode The Legion of Evil (2005) along with Vladimir and The Mad Hammer Brothers.
  • The episode makes a reference to Disney's Dumbo (1941). The Lancer references the song “When I See an Elephant Fly” by quoting the words: "I've seen a peanut stand, and heard a rubber band. I've seen a needle that winked its eye. But I've never seen an elephant-eared robot girl!"
  • This is the first part of the Sense No Evil trilogy.
  • In Attack of the 5½ Ft. Geek (2002) and most episodes that follow, Jenny does not reciprocate Sheldon's feelings. However, in this episode, Jenny is uncharacteristically affectionate towards Sheldon when he offers to build her a pair of ears.
    • However, this can be explained by the fact that this episode was actually written before Attack of the 5½ Ft. Geek (2002).

Production Notes[]

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  • Although this episode premiered in the United States on August 22, 2003, it was actually produced in 2002 according to the credits, as with every other season 1 episode.
    • This episode was finished in July of 2002.[1]
      • This episode (and every episode up to This Time With Feeling) was added to the United States Copyright Office on December 13, 2002.
  • The first draft of this episode's script is dated May 14, 2002.
    • The second draft is dated May 17, 2002.
    • The script was finalized on May 22, 2002.
  • This episode's production code is 102-008. [2]

A chart showing the time between production and broadcast of each individual episode of season 1 (2002).



Ear No Evil / Unlicensed Flying Object (credits)

